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Current residencies

Check out residencies different fablabs, maker/hacker/bio spaces have to offer. Contact them directly for more information.

If you are offering a residency, and want it to be displayed here, contact us!

The story behind

During the Open door in Manzat, while discussing with makers on spot, we realized it would be a good idea to have a centralized list of residencies in offer. All of us have different networks, use different social media platforms to spread the word about our activities…and we might miss a good opportunity. So, we talked about possible ways to go.

First step is a dedicated page on Vulca website – it’s simple and quick solution. However, in the future, we would like to develop a platform to help the match-making between makers and spaces. Before working on such platform, we need to define its scope and features, and see if a centralized webpage/platform is helpful to both makers and host organisations.

We, as Vulca, are aware of your activities, but not necessarily all of you know each other. Since we are inspired by what you do, and what you have to offer – in return we would like to help you spread the word about your residency! And put more makers in mobility!
