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Watch out our Video Library!

We recorded hundreds Fablabs & M_Hackerspaces all over Europe

From 2015 to 2020

... and we're going to share them to you

Vulca Media Library - More than some images

We have in stock about 100 videos and thousands of picture of visit from our +350 M_Hackerspaces visit.

Every week we’ll add some of them in our library !

We’re sure it will help you power every part of your project

Inclusive source of inspiration for M_Hakers and M_Hackerspaces / Fablabs

PlugnMake Fablab

Delft, The Netherland

We visited them two times. Firstly in 2017 and then in 2018.
Whether you’re a maker, student, designer, or entrepreneur, at PlugnMake FabLab Delft you’ll be provided with a large panel of digital equipment, workshops and support to undertake the learning curve of (personal) digital fabrication and rapid prototyping.

PlugnMake FabLab is running by two lovely Italians expatriates to the Netherlands and you’ll be more than welcome if you visit the Fablab!

With a diversified background as architects and designers, their experiences have shaped a very flexible attitude toward design issues allowing them to consciously move from art to technical, from small to large scale and continuously cross the border between digital and traditional.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised matchmaking!

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised matchmaking

Warrigton Fablab

United Kindom

They opened in Sept 2016 and we visited them in 2019.
They are located in the Beamont Collegiate Academy and all the potential of the Fablab aim to inspire their student’s creative abilities and teach them the necessary STEM skills to bring their ideas to reality. Warrington FabLab is also open to the public, industry & business specialising in laser cutting, 3D printing & large bed CNC routing.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised matchmaking

Strojlab Fablab

Brno, Czech Republic

We visited them in 2018. This fablab is based in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. They were part of FablabNet, making Central Europe more competitive by unlocking the innovation capacity of FabLabs within an enhanced innovation ecosystem. To improve sustainable linkages among actors of the innovation systems for strengthening regional innovation capacity in central Europe.

StrojLAB focuses mainly on students but also cooperates with the private sector and other research centres in Europe.

The StrojLab is equipped with the essential machines for a Fablab but also:
* A 3D printer for metallic prototypes,
* An ATOS III 3D scanner
* A six-axis KUKA robot

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised matchmaking

Zavod 404 (Institute 404)

Ljubljana, Slovenia

We missed them in 2017 while travelling in Slovenia, but in 2019 we succeded to make a stop there! What a community we have met there in Ljubljana!

404 Institut is mostly focused on youth education!
Following their vision; At the heart of every innovation lies the effort of people who have successfully ushered their ideas into the real world. Nothing is self-evident, everything can be understood. Surprisingly, in recent years, less and less attention has been paid to technology in education. Even though it is increasingly embedded in our lives, the understanding of technology is limited to dry theoretical constructs, without a real sense of the real world.

So long story short, their mission is « Raising creators, not users of technology! »

For this, they have developed many tools like :

  • The youth programme « MOST » which brings together high school and university students from Slovenia to work together.
  • Programs for primary schools including « Summer programs » and « Technical days »
  • The « Ljubljana Maker Faire » organised every year.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised matchmaking

Pontion Fablab

Bangor, Wales, United Kindow

We visited this Fablab in 2019. They are located in the University of Bangor. At Pontio Innovation, in the centre of Bangor, innovators and entrepreneurs are able to explore, create and develop new products and services. The Fablab enables entrepreneurs and designers to evaluate their ideas using simple craft tools and materials. They can also test the viability of prototypes using digital rapid prototyping technologies.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised match making


Stuttgart, Germany

We visited them in 2019,
As a non-profit organisation, they aim to expand the manual skills of as many people as possible. They offer a large workshop area with the following work areas:

WOOD • METAL • ELECTRIC • FABLAB • TEXTILE • COLORS • PRINT • BICYCLE … and the coffee machine !

For a small fee, everyone has the opportunity to realize their ideas at suitable workplaces. Find here a large range of hand and power tools, but also larger machines. In addition to the open workshop area, they offer various courses & trainning, regular repair coffee and community projects.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised match making


Metz, France

We met them in 2018,
Faced with the absence of a digital manufacturing site, we are united around the GraouLab project that we set up on February 4, 2013.

They are installed with their partner, the IUT of Metz, in a space focused on innovation and training. Located in the heart of the Ile du Saulcy project behind the IUT of the city of Metz, the working environment is as pleasant as the locals.

GraouLab is a Fab Lab which contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and technological culture. It is a place open to the public, a digital manufacturing laboratory, which offers access to machines, meetings, workshops and conferences.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised match making

Frack Hackerspace

Leeuwarden, The Netherland

We visited them once in 2019, they are based in the North of the Netherlands.

Frack is a non-profit being run by volunteers. Everybody is welcome to come by, have a look and work together with them when the space is opened. It doesn’t matter what level of skill/knowledge you have, you’ll always be welcomed in this lovely community!
To contact them, check out their Wiki or ask us for personalised match making

Fab:Social Shantallow

Londonderry in Northern Ireland

We visited them in 2019. Fab:Social Shantallow became a project of Liberty Consortium in September 2018. Fab:Social started as a joint project of Greater Shantallow Area Partnership and the Nerve Centre. It’s is a digital fabrication project based at The HUB in Northside Village Centre

They support knowledge transfer to the community and foster social enterprise.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised match making!

Fablab Château-Thierry

Chateau Thierry in France

We visited them in 2018 and 2019.

The Fablab is located in the heart of Château-Thierry. A very lovely team is always here to welcome you! We love to go there every time!

They are very well equipped, always proposing workshops and training for people from novices to experts ! Don’t miss the chance to stop by there !

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised match making!

Makerspace Lausanne (+)

Lausanne in Switzerland

We visited them in 2019, a lovely community in a full equipped collaborative workshop.
We love the way they gathered together with the ambition to repair, create, design, prototype manufactured objects that would not be possible for a person working alone.

Find in Lausanne a wide range of professionals (engineers, craftsmen, artists), DIY’ers and novices united in the same spirit of curiosity, “Imagination, experimentation and initiative.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised match making!

Schaffenburg e.V

Aschaffenburg in Germany

We visited this hybrid Hackerspace/Makerspace 2 times. Established in 2015 they have today some computing and networking stuff, 3 well-equipped electronics workplaces, up to 9 laptop workplaces, gaming area with video projector for several classic game consoles, about 3 running meters of all-purpose workbench, amateur radio station DF0HSB, and a kitchen, o-scopes, soldering irons, 3d printer, a quite big junk box and of course Club Mate to share in the sofa !

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised match making!

Smart Lab

Sofia in Bulgaria

We visited this place 2 times in 5 years.
We met here Delcho.D the co-founder of Smart fablab and working as a professor at the University of Architecture, Civil Eng. and Geodesy of the capital.

The Smart Fab Lab is a hub for the local and international makers, who are interested in design, architecture, 3D-printing technologies and smart cities.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised match making!


Montpellier in France

We visited this place 4 times in 5 years.
Most of the time we met here Mentzo and Yann involving in the local community since (almost) the beginning.

Labsud is the Montpellier Fablab. 270 m2 of digital manufacturing and technology for pros, the general public and a team of enthusiasts.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised matchmaking!


Leeuwarden - The Netherlands

We visited this place in 2019 and met Aan & Bertus

FryskLab in between library innovation and maker culture all served directly in a rural area. The first Dutch bookmobile operated in this region a long time ago and was primarily intended to allow people to read. With FryskLab they are doing the same thing 70 years later, but they transform from literacy to digital literacy.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised matchmaking!


Magdeburg - Germany

We visited this place in 2019 and met André!

MACHERBURG is Magdeburg’s Makerspace, a space for makers. In the beginning, quite turned to woodwork project … but more and more open to digital fabrication with the local makers community coming to use the place & equipment with new skills for the community

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised matchmaking!

Hackerspace Trojmijasto

Gdańsk, Poland

We visited this place in 2019 with a very creative Hacker’crew involving in!

A group of technology enthusiasts that together create a space perfect for exchanging knowledge, experiences, hacking life and extracting all the great ideas from the depths of the basement.

To contact them, check out their Website or ask us for personalised matchmaking!

If you want to share with us your place,
we would be happy to add it to the list

or on our social media