The objective is to support the structuring of European makers’ communities. To achieve this, VULCA strengthens ties among these actors through actions such as organizing events, collecting and sharing information, and exploring different regions.
What we do . . .
In 2014 we started exploring the makers’ movement by meeting makers all over Europe face-to-face. The personal connection made us realise the full potential of makers’ community and the impact citizens’ skills and knowledge make at the local level, particularly in spaces such as fab labs, maker/hackerspaces.
All of them are already recognized by the European Commission (DG Joint Research Center)
Why we do it . . .
We firmly believe that mobility brings the M_Hackers community together and enables easier conduction of distributed projects, which would help achieve Sustainable Development Goals.
Furthermore, the cross-border activities would better implement collective solutions in order to reach overall development plans, reduce future economic, environmental and social disparities, strengthen economic competitiveness, increase the quality of education and reduce poverty.
How we do it . . .
Vulca started its field research with the aim to understand the impact of makers’ community. For this purpose, we activate a community of people who are living nomad life to explore M_Hakerspaces in Europe from villages to capitals. Through unlocking the potential of makers’ movement, Vulca is becoming an expert on precisely interconnecting the activities of individual makers/Hackers with fab labs and M_Hakerspaces and also with networks.
The quality of our recommendations is based on the years of experience of our explorers. Being on the field helped us to develop a deep understanding of different thematics and needs of citizens as well as to develop a network that covers a wide geographical scope.
As an example of our work, the recent DG EAC call for Makers Mobility Pilot Project was partly launched based on our proposals to policy makers.