We are a club

of Makers, Makerspaces and Makers’ Networks, who are getting involved at the European Level.

We have 3 main group members. Individuals. Spaces. Networks.
All of our members have a common point. They are locally well integrated. However, differences come when some of them have already reached the European Scale while others can’t (yet) scale up at the European scale.

VULCA creates a space for members to support each other at the European scale.
Some need advice to move forward to the European level. Some others look for new partners and participants. Beginners and experts fit well with each other in the VULCA CLUB.


Candidates must demonstrate personal involvement in the European makers movement (projects, initiatives, collaborations, and personal life experience).

Alexandre Boutaud

Toulouse, France

Marc Lambaerts

Leuven, Belgium

Axel Just

Erlangen, Germany

Ferdinand Meier

Munich, Germany

Andre Mirtschink

Bautzen, Germany

Mimi Hapig

Ioannina, Greece

Nils Vogt

Koln Germany

Thomas Sanz

Varna, Bulgaria

Rasmus Fangel Vestergaard

Copenhagen, Denmark

Peter Troxler

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Toni Marinov

Varna, Bulgaria

Matei Gheorghiu

Glux, France

Jeffrey Roe

Dublin, Ireland

Dorian Somers

Caylus, France

Jason Pettiaux

Brussels, Belgium

Costantino Romeo

Paris, France

Léon Reboul

Montpellier, France

Navid O'Lari

Brussels, Belgium

Jonathan Woolf

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Patrick Seidl

Praha, Czech Republic

Makerspace, FabLabs, Hackerspaces, Open Workshops must be represented by a designated individual and demonstrate a commitment to fostering connections and exchanges within the VULCA network, with at least one international experience.

Fablab HR
Board Member

Represented by Roberto Vidovic Zagreb, Croatia

ROG Center
Board Member

Represented by UROŠ TOPIĆ
Ljubjana Slovenia

Fablab Buinho

Buinho, portugal


Erlangen, Germany


Bruxelles, Belgium

Fablab Santander

Santander, Spain

BioLab Lisboa

Lisbon, Portugal

Fablab Cuenca

Cuenca, Spain

Blue Lab

Saint-Nazaire, France

Blue Lab

Saint-Nazaire, France

FabLab Chemnitz

Chemnitz, Germany

FabLab Brno

Brno, Czech Republic

Networks must connect multiple spaces and demonstrate supranational collaboration to strengthen the European Makers network.

Board Member

Represented By Remy Ducros

Membership Process


Applications for membership in VULCA are open twice a year, in February and July.
Candidates must submit a statement of purpose, following website instructions, explaining
their motivations and how they wish to contribute to the network. Board members decide, based on our criterias, which application could be approved or not.

2025 Membership Application Call

Be part of our club! Applications open from 1st to 28 February for VULCA membership. Application


Memberships can also be accepted through co-optation at any time of the year, with the support of 10 existing members, including representatives from the three groups.

(you can find the list of our members and contact on the top).

If you’re in this situation, please, contact us including the 10 letters of support. Board members decide, based on our criterias, which application could be approved or not.

Membership Criterias

Membership criterias

Membership in VULCA is open to individuals, spaces, and networks that share the association’s vision and wish to actively engage. The membership criteria are as follows:


Group 1 - Individuals

Candidates must demonstrate personal involvement in the European makers movement (projects, initiatives, collaborations, and personal life experience). People that make things (artists, artisans, citizens, engineers, …) digitally or analogically.

Additionally appreciated based in one of the 46 eligible countries listed here.

Informally involved in the Vulca community for more than a year

Group 2 - Spaces

Your space is open for anyone willing to become a member and ready to follow the rules of your organisation. You identify your space as a Makerspace, FabLab, Hackerspace, Open Workshop It must be represented by a designated individual and demonstrate a commitment to fostering connections and exchanges within the VULCA network, with at least one international experience.

Additionally appreciated

Your organization is based in one of the 46 eligible countries.

You organise multidisciplinary activities focused on DIY and DIWO.

Your organization has been established for at least 1 year

You actively support and promote the principles of a democratic and inclusive society.

You are deeply committed to equity, sustainability, diversity, and equal

Informally involved in the Vulca community for more than a year

Group 3 - Networks

Networks must connect multiple spaces and demonstrate supranational collaboration to strengthen the European Makers network.

Additionally appreciated

Your organization is based in one of the 46 eligible countries.

Informally involved in the Vulca community for more than a year

Important Things You Should Know


Members gain access to:

  • A European network of makers and makerspaces
  • Information on European funding opportunities
  • Support in developing and implementing international projects
  • Opportunities for mobility and exchange
  • Participation in VULCA events and activities
  • Voting rights at the General Assembly

Membership applications are open twice a year, in January and July.

You can find the application form and instructions on this page.

Memberships can also be accepted through co-optation.

Vulca seminars offer training, workshops, and strategic reflection sessions, enabling members to exchange ideas, learn new skills, and collaborate on projects.

Each member commits to respecting the association’s rules and:

  • Actively participating in events and mobilities supported or organised by VULCA.
  • Contributing to knowledge sharing and project documentation.
  • Presenting at least one international-related action each year, including participation in a European project.
  • Respecting other members and fostering a positive collaborative environment.

The amount for one year membership varies depending on the membership category (individual, space, network).

  • For Individual : 100€/Year
  • For Spaces : 200€/Year
  • For Networks with less than 50 members : 500€/Year
  • For Networks with 50 or more members : 1 000€/Year

Payment of the membership fee is required to maintain membership rights

  • Option 1 (ideal): By bank transfert
  • Option 2 : By Card on our strype

If you have any doubt,