Vulca What’s next?

VULCA, what’s next? Webinar to present the future of Vulca Tuesday 30th June 2020 6.30 to 8.00 pm (CET) Vulca webinar registration WEBINAR AGENDA VULCA NEW BOARD 10 minutes – Lead by Nicolas Fifre Our historical board will be changing after 5 years. Since the beginning of Vulca, the members of our board have been: Nicolas Fifre, Co-Founder and President, Louis Reignaud, Treasurer, and Marjorie Ansion, Secretary We are very happy that they have been part of Vulca journey, contributing to the development of the association. However, their life started moving into a new exciting direction making them less involved in the association’s activities. That is why they would like to leave their respective places to people that will bring new energy and involve more into the association to better represent the Community. Discover who are the new faces of Vulca Board Vulca webinar registration VULCA SEMINAR 20 minutes – Lead by Aleksandra Sljukic and Roberto Vdovic Each year Vulca organises a seminar in another country to create time and space where the community can meet and discover the local makers movement. This year, we had to postpone it, but we have some good news and announcements. With the team from and Croatia, we will organise the 4th seminar in Zadar, Croatia. Join us to learn more about the agenda, how to participate or become a volunteer. Vulca webinar registration VULCA TOUR 10 minutes – Lead by Alexandre Rousselet With 150 000 kilometers travelled and more than 330 M_Hackerspaces, Fablabs and Open Workshops visited, it is time to prepare the future of VULCA TOUR. Join us to know where the next road will take us and how to make sure we visit your space. Vulca webinar registration VULCA EXPERIMENTA 40 minutes – Lead by Thomas Sanz We are so excited to introduce you our new tool to developp the M-Hackers Mobility in Europe; With Experimenta we will go in the heart of M_Hackers in residency and share to you the best practice found ! Don’t miss our webinar to learn more about it! Vulca webinar registration We will conclude this webinar with Q&A to answer all of your questions. Vulca webinar registration Make sure to register not to miss the notification for the webinar​

Makers Mobility Pilot Project

What is a Pilot Project A pilot project is an actual implementation of the working system with real people, but on a limited scale. European Union with Erasmus or Creative Europe formed exchange program to encourage the mobility of citizens in Europe, but at this stage, the makers movement can only make it by hand, in small quantities. Some of the makerspaces are interested, but we need more makerspace-use to iron out the kinks, and justify the scaling-up of maker mobility programs in Europe. Vulca want europe to try and test the makers mobility in Europe since 2015. Also, we ask them to make a research on such a topic to see if it make sense to create a specific program of mobility dedicated for Makers and and hackers VULCA’s STRATEGY In order to reach the attention of European insitutions to take into consideration the Makers Mobility topic as potential key point for a new EU program we worked between 2015 and 2020 on #VulcaTour It allowed us to identified hundred existing makers mobility from the field. #VulcaSeminar It allowed us to bring hundred makers, hackers, policy makers and researchers to meet and discuss about Makers Mobility #VulcaResearchers It allowed us to better understand the maker movement and help us to be connected with other researchers papers. #VulcaPolicyMakers It allowed us to bring to MEPs all contents from the field for a presentation in front of the EC in October 2018. A bottum up approach In between 2015 and 2020 we made a bottom up lobbying for bringing this citizen idea to Policy Makers.While we were linking the makers and hackers movement around the concept of having a M_Hackers Movement exchange program we figured out the European Union with the DG Joint Research Center was also trying to better understand the Makers movement and wrote 2 main reports A FIRST STEP TOWARDS MAKERS MOBILITY PILOT PROJECT Creativity has had a crucial impact on today’s interconnected world. Co-creation and open sources have transformed today’s innovation and production processes. Innovation must be allowed through bottom-up processes. Are part of that all open creative hubs, hackerspace, maker-spaces, fab labs, biolabs, where volunteers, freelancers, makers, hackers, creative co-workers involve. The proliferation of Makerspace and similar structures have proven how these new models of co-creation have not only had an impact on production processes, but on society at large scale and the well being of people. High rates of youth unemployment in some European countries and regions have led to high popularity of such “3rd spaces”, which also have an important role to play in terms of social inclusion and integration. The crossovers between the cultural, creative and other sectors are of crucial importance. They are a mechanism of combining knowledge and skills specific to the cultural and creative sector together with those of other sectors in order to generate innovative and intelligent solutions for today’s societal challenges. The maker movement, and fablabs are at the center of these developments and are rapidly developing, but their development has not been paralleled by full interconnection between the centres concerned. Following 2 reports from the European Commission REPORT 1 Overview of the Maker Movement in the European Union DG JRC European Commission 2017 REPORT 2 Future of Work: Perspective from the Maker Movement DG JRC European Comission 2018 Vulca’s main objectives At the moment, Vulca’s main objective is to understand the impact of makers & hackers on mobility throughout Europe.To demonstrate this impact, we have inspired a research project about makers & hackers and their mobility via several networks, including Fab Labs, Biolabs, Makerspaces, Hackerspace, open fabfarms… the pilot project will focuses on the following areas: Mapping of existing and proposed initiatives Involvement of existing European networks A small-scale mobility scheme testing Assessing existing programs covering makers mobility Inclusion and skills development Policy Recommendations concerning a European Framework To know more RESULT The European Commission has signed a grant agreement with the following Consortium: know more European Creative Hubs Network (ECHN) (Coordinator) The ECHN is a peer-led network with a mission to enhance the creative, economic and social impact of hubs. know more Associação de Transferência de Tecnologia da Asprela (UPTEC) (Member) The UPDTEC supports the creation and development of business projects in the arts, sciences and technologies, through sharing knowledge between the university and the market know more Institut d’Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya (IAAC) (Member), The IAAC aims to shape the future of cities, architecture & technology. know more Digital Art International (ART2M) (Member). The ART2M is a digital arts & creative tech agency The duration of the project shall be 18 months and will start in March 2020 PRESENTATION MAKERS MOBILITY PILOT PROJECT We invited the selected organisation to come to the Vulca Seminar 2020 to present the proposal of their consortium. Come in Zadar for the next Vulca Seminar and grab the chance to meet European Creative Hubs Network to know more about their ambition and discuscuss directly with them. More to know soon