The Club of European Makers & Makerspaces
We’re a club of Makers, Makerspaces and Makers’ Networks, who are getting involved at the European Level.



Maker's Network
Our history
Before becoming a club, we started as a bunch of friends.
We started by visiting makerspaces sleeping on fabmanagers and hackers couches.
We were explorers of the European maker scene and over our 10 year history, we visited more than 1000 makerspaces.
We took part in many European projects / events.
In 2025, the time came for a new stage:
Open this group of friends to everyone we met on the road
Help makerspaces build connections across the world.
Leverage our deep understanding of how the maker movement works in the continent to help nations and EU institutions foster the growth of this rich ecosystem
Club rules ?
VULCA strengthens ties in europe
- Organizing events and mobilities
- Collecting and sharing information about funding opportunities, best practices, and resources
- Facilitating networking and partnerships
Supporting members in developing and implementing European projects

Why do people join the club ?
Our club members shared local integration and the goal of European scaling. VULCA provides a platform for mutual support, connecting beginners and experts to achieve shared success adapted to their profiles.

To discover Europe under a new light, live amazing experiences and build a different future

To get closer and share good times with people like them: Passionate hackers, driven community builders and excellent managers To learn and build with the best

Makers' network
To join the widest group of makerspaces across Europe To join their voices to the rest of the continent and represent the interests of their members at EU level To build initiatives that go beyond their borders
Why do institutions work with us?
Our members represent the whole diversity of European makers & makerspaces. From rural open-workshops to urban fablabs From community makerspaces to hidden hackerspaces From the western end in ireland to eastern end of Bulgaria From the northern lights of Copenhagen to the southern end of Greece From the largest labs like Center Rog (Sl) to the smallest like OpenFab (Be) And our members have already done a whole lot of projects in Europe with a large panel of programmes

Ask Us Anything, Anytime.
We are here for you